The Tony Drinan Award

As a perpetual memorial to an exceptional Mentonian and to recognise the accomplishments of former Mentone Grammar students, the prestigious ‘Tony Drinan Medal’ is awarded each year to a past student who, in the opinion of the Selection Committee, has achieved outstanding success, bringing honour to the School and service to the community.

Tony Drinan Medal Awardee 2024

Professor James Oxley, a distinguished mathematician, graduated as Dux of the School in 1970 before pursuing a PhD in Combinatorial Geometry at Oxford University. He has been a Professor of Mathematics at Louisiana State University for 40 years, specialising in matroid and graph theory. With over 130 published papers, James has made significant contributions to the field and mentored numerous doctoral students. His achievements were recognised with a Boyd Professorship from LSU, the highest rank awarded by the university. Professor Oxley’s dedication, expertise, and outstanding academic record make him a deserving recipient of this award, honoring his old school and his remarkable career.

Tony Drinan Medal recipients

Year AwardedNameAlumni YearContribution
2024 Professor James Oxley 1970Mathematics
2023 Mr John Peers 2006Australian Tennis
2022Mr Peter Royston1967 Law and The Law Institute
2021 Dr A G (Tony) Collins 1966Education
2020Mr Steven Warrington AFSM 1978Country Fire Authority (CFA)
2019Mr John Firth 1969Contribution to Education and Curriculum
2018Mr Robert Nottle CBE 1960International Financial Services
2017Sir Robert Jackson AC KCVO CMG OBE (Deceased)1928Former UN Under Secretary General
2016Professor Tim Brailsford 1981Vice-Chancellor and President of Bond University
2015The Hon. Associate Justice Nemeer Mukhtar 1975Supreme Court, Victoria
2014Mr James Riady 1974International Business and philanthropic support for education
2013Mr Shane Warne (Deceased)1987Australian Cricket & Founder of The Shane Warne Foundation
2012Associate Professor Andre La Gerche 1991Medical Research in the field of Cardiology
2011Colonel Andrew Hocking 1989Australian Defence Forces
2010 Mr Adam Kilgour 1982Australian Business & Politics
2009Mr Mal Walden 1961 Broadcasting and Television
2008Mr Phillip Hutson 1971Australian Federal Police
2007Mr Geoff Ryan AM 1965Education
2006Associate Professor Michael Woodward 1971Specialist in Geriatric Medicine
2005Emeritus Professor Don Gartside 1964Environmental Science and Management
2004Don Ingram OAM 1955Education
2003The Very Rev. Dr John Shepherd AM 1959Anglican Dean of Perth
2002Ret Brig J Deighton A.M., M.C. 1952Australian Defence Forces - Retired CEO Victorian RSL HQ
2001Professor Glenn Bowes AO 1966Medicine, Specialist in Paediatrics