Mentone ‘Panthers’ Soccer Club
The Mentone Soccer Club has an inclusive, fun, and social atmosphere combined with a winning spirit and determination for which Mentonians are renowned.
The Club competes with a Seniors, Reserves, Thirds and Women’s teams. New players are welcome any time, especially during pre-season which focuses on getting fit using the ball and enjoying the game.
As well as being competitive on the field, a large part of the Club is built around social activities. These include a season launch function, trivia and presentation nights as well as regular dinners at local restaurants.

Mentone Soccer Club Contacts
For all general team and Club enquiries, please contact:
Cameron Dunkerley, Vice President
For all Club facilities-related inquiries, please contact:
John Christou, Immediate Past President
For all Club financial inquiries, please contact:
Zaidan Allie, Treasurer
For Junior team inquiries, please contact:
Cameron Martini, Junior Coordinator
Visit the extensive Mentone ‘Panthers’ Soccer Club website for detailed information about the Club’s Junior and Senior teams, registrations, social events and more.