Mentone Grammar’s Strategic Vision 2025 – 2030
Winston Churchill said, “Those who never change their mind, never change anything.” As we begin a new academic year, this marks an exciting period of research-based change that will strengthen our commitment to delivering an outstanding education.
Our foundational purpose remains clear: ‘to develop resilient young people with a wide range of skills, interests, and attributes to find their place in an ever-changing world, through a leading educational environment which challenges and motivates within a caring community’.
To do so, we must ensure our students are equipped with the knowledge, skills, attributes and values to become the best version of themselves, not only for their own benefit but importantly for their family, friends and communities. We need to prepare our students from our Early Learners through to our graduating Year 12s for a future that is a lifetime away for some and just around the corner for others.
This aspirational Strategic Vision for our School has been developed with that appreciation firmly in mind. It must be as relevant to tomorrow’s graduates as it is to those who are just beginning their school journey. Developed with input from all sections of our community, this Strategic Vision offers clear direction, whilst being adaptable enough to flex to opportunities that appear on the horizon to best meet the changing needs of our young people. Change, after all, is one of life’s constants.
The framework outlined in this document will ensure we remain leaders at the forefront of education as we aspire to achieve our School Vision and Mission. It upholds excellence across the three core inter-woven programs in which our students are engaged – academic, pastoral and cocurricular – all of which are grounded in our School Values. These programs offer countless opportunities for students to explore and develop their talents and potential, and to find their own definition of Happy, Healthy and High Achieving.
I invite you to ‘think big’ as you review this Strategic Vision and imagine what a ‘school of the future’ will offer our students, alumni, and community, and I look forward to working together to bring this Vision to life.
Andy Müller